If you’re experiencing financial problems that are making it difficult to afford the cost of keeping your pets, or you are facing foreclosure and the possibility of losing your pets, take heart! There are lots of resources out there that may help.
Animal welfare organizations throughout the country are developing programs such as pet food banks, low-cost veterinary clinics and foster care programs to help people keep their pets. Some states are considering legislation to help protect pets left behind in foreclosure situations. Even realtors and mortgage brokers are getting involved. So, before you relinquish your pet to a shelter or put your pet up for adoption, consider the following options.
The Humane Society of the United States has a comprehensive list of organizations that offer financial aid to people with pets. The list includes pet food banks and organizations offering discounted veterinary services, temporary foster care and other resources. Go here for more information:
Help affording vet care
Are you having trouble affording your pet?
Affordable Spay/Neuter
No Paws Left Behind has a number of resources to help pet owners facing foreclosure, as well as resources to help shelters and rescues that are struggling financially because of the abundance of abandoned pets coming to their organizations.
You can also contact your local shelters and rescue organizations. Most have lists of local resources for acquiring pet food, pet-friendly housing and low-cost veterinary care.
If you decide you MUST rehome your pet please have them spayed or neutered first. This will give them a better chance or being taken in by a new owner or rescue.
Finding Pet-Friendly Housing
If you absolutely have to move out of your home, look for pet-friendly housing. Here are some websites that list pet-friendly apartments and homes for rent:
Temporary Care for Pets
If you’re unable to locate pet-friendly housing in your price range, or if you are living someplace temporarily and your pets aren’t welcome, you might want to consider finding a temporary foster home for your pets. Check with friends, family members, neighbors and others who might be willing to care for your pets temporarily.
Some shelters and rescue groups have programs for people who need to find temporary placements for pets because of a financial or family crisis, extended illness requiring hospitalization or other situation. To locate shelters and rescue groups in your area, go to www.pets911.com or call 1-888-PETS-911.
Ill and disabled people with pets may find assistance through local shelters and rescue groups. A national program called Pets Are Wonderful Support provides assistance to help disabled and terminally ill people in select cities keep their pets. For more information, visit www.pawsusa.homestead.com.
Blessed Bonds, located in the Chicago area, provides help for people when they are experiencing physical problems that make daily pet care difficult.
For more information, visit www.blessedbonds.com.